Poetry in Motion Sickness

Poetry in Motion Sickness- Follow me in the pursuit of my dream. Its not pretty, its not glamorous, its not fair, its Hollywood. Read about my crazy journey and laugh with me about the speed bumps along the way. I hope driving doesn't make you nauseous!!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Good News!... ish

So I know I promised good news to come, well, I kinda have some. First of all, I should explain the name of my blog. Schmacting is what I call it when a person is fake-acting, actingish or esque, generally going through the motions of acting without actually doing it- ie commercial acting (for me anyway). Since I still don't have a theatrical agent in LA, the majority of my auditions are for commercials. Commercials are great to supplement the ol' income (you can make a ton of money) but rarely directly benefit a person's career. In fact, many people don't know that you can't even put commercials on your resume! I know, I know, totally unfair. I also find that its very rare to have a commercial audition that involves any real opportunity for acting... perhaps this is why I book so few... will have to analyze that.

Now for my point! I had an absolutely exhausting week this week after driving up to LaLa Land three days in a row. I guess as a result of the up coming Super Bowl, or the trashy alter ego I've been developing, I had two more beer auditions... This time they were union spots that did not involve fake lesbianism or striptease of any kind! Woohoo!! They both went fine. Friday morning I thought I would have a day off but low and behold I had a callback for the Wednesday audition. I quickly got myself ready, jumped in the car and off I went. Long long long story even longer. I arrived at the casting studio, waited my turn then when into the room. Turns out I was auditioning for two different spots for the same company.

The director was a super slick laid back kinda dude and you could tell they'd all been in that room way too long. Can you say cranky? I could barely get them to smile and respond to my hi. Then the director says I'm gonna call out different ways I want you to say this line so keep going and try to be creative... This never happens, I was so excited to flex my improv muscles, I went crazy! Well, I have never made a room of people laugh so hard in my life, I couldn't believe it. They even had me audition with another girl for yet another spot after that.

I left that audition with the biggest smile on my face and a renewed sense of confidence. Who knew I was funny!?!?!? Don't know if I booked it yet, however, that's not the point of today's blog. I'm so happy to have done well. I needed that. I'll definitely blog if I booked it... if not... I'm never blogging again... Just kidding.

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