Poetry in Motion Sickness

Poetry in Motion Sickness- Follow me in the pursuit of my dream. Its not pretty, its not glamorous, its not fair, its Hollywood. Read about my crazy journey and laugh with me about the speed bumps along the way. I hope driving doesn't make you nauseous!!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Aw Shucks!

So I didn't get the gig...

I know I should never think this way, let alone blog it for all the world to see, but I'm the tiniest bit relieved. I have to preface this by saying, I'm grateful for all the opportunities that come my way. No matter how much I bitch and moan in these posts, I'm aware that no one is holding a gun to my head and making me do any of this. I have clearly made the choice to make my life more difficult than it has to be, and I know full well that I'm very lucky to have the freedom to pursue my dreams... Having said this... I'm so freakin happy I don't have to drive to freakin LA tomorrow!!!!!

There's another little factor that prevents me from truly relishing these particular opportunities. In a previous blog, after I booked the national beer commercial, I stated that I was officially a member of the Screen Actor's Guild. I may have jumped the gun on that one. At the time, I was under the impression that I had to join. I had already done a tv show where I was given a Taft Hartley (this is a fancy way of saying that I get one shot for free, one union job before I join the "Big Guns"). I thought that after getting the Taft Hartley I would have to join in order to do another union job. Turns out, they gave me a 30 day waiver! I didn't have to join at all. Now, however, if I book another SAG job, I have to join within 5 days of the shoot.

What does all this mumbojumbo mean?

Well, when you work a union job, they have to pay you within 10 business days of the shoot, and then again every time the commercial or tv show airs. When you work a non union job they have 90 days to pay you, and you only get paid once... um... yeah. Normally, I make three trips to LA for every job I book. The first trip for the initial audition, and the second for the callback and the third on the day of the shoot. When you factor in the money lost both in gas, and the days of work I missed, I'm out quite a bit of cash. If I don't get paid for 90 days, you can imagine how hard it is to pay the bills. It's particularly hard when, when you do get paid, it's only $500 before taxes and 10-20% for your agent.

Long story longer, the job I didn't get was non union. Although the pay was more than $500, it was still a little hard to get excited about. As actors we're trained to be ready, willing, and able for any opportunity that we're lucky enough to have. I know there are many people who would love to be able to do what I do. I feel guilty even thinking it... I'm just happy to be stationary for a minute.

Please, Gods of Schmacting, have mercy on me! Curse me not, for these are merely temporary thoughts and bare no reflection on my loyalty and dedication to yooooouuuuuu!

Sorry, I'm a little superstitious. The Gods of Schmacting can be spiteful indeed!

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