Poetry in Motion Sickness

Poetry in Motion Sickness- Follow me in the pursuit of my dream. Its not pretty, its not glamorous, its not fair, its Hollywood. Read about my crazy journey and laugh with me about the speed bumps along the way. I hope driving doesn't make you nauseous!!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

On Avail...

Just an update on the status of my audition from the other day. I'm now on avail. What the heck is avail? Well, it basically means you're in a holding pattern. For example, this commercial shoots tomorrow. If I get a another job offer today that shoots tomorrow, I have to check with the company that has me on avail before I accept the other job. They have "first dibs on me." I used to get very excited about being put on avail because I thought I was that much closer to getting the job. In recent history, I've learned that most companies put everyone who got called back on avail. This way, if something goes wrong with their first casting choice, they have a back up plan. Dirty trick I say! Way to get my hopes up! Anyhoo, that's where I stand. If I do get the job, I hope they let me know in enough time to cancel my audition for tomorrow, cover myself for work, and find a place to crash in LA. Its always so complicated... but these are good problems to have.

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