Poetry in Motion Sickness

Poetry in Motion Sickness- Follow me in the pursuit of my dream. Its not pretty, its not glamorous, its not fair, its Hollywood. Read about my crazy journey and laugh with me about the speed bumps along the way. I hope driving doesn't make you nauseous!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Live in Action

I'm blogging to you live from the Starbucks by the Target on the corner of Santa Monica and La Brea! I'm mid busy day and killing time between morning audition and afternoon meeting.

I spoke to my dad this morning and he expressed his distaste for my "depressing post" yesterday. I'd officially like to apologize for bumming anyone out either last night or this morning. If you haven't read it yet, maybe don't. I explained to him that its just the reality of what I've been trying to do. I guess I'd, subconsciously, committed to telling the truth in this here blog. Sometimes the truth is ugly, sorry everyone. I really do try to keep it light most of the time. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I knew I'd feel better tomorrow. Well its tomorrow and I do feel better. Not back flips down the street better, but better non the less.

I went to an audition for a print ad this morning. The holding room at auditions is usually super depressing, and a little stinky. Nervous sweat mixed with stress-induced irritable bowl kinda stinky (am trying to give you a vivid, accurate description so that you really feel like you're there with me. Did it work? LOL). Today, however, in walked a ray of sunshine named Daniel. I did't know this kid, nor did anyone else in the room. He was just one more actor livin' the dream. He immediately began speaking to everyone in the room. Not in the annoying, "look at me!" kind of way, but with a genuine interest in getting to know everyone there. He was trying to listen for people's names as the monitor called them out and then remember them afterwords. It was hilarious! I've never seen anything like it in an audition. By the end of the time I spent in the room with this quirky being, everyone, including myself had a smile on their face and a bounce in their step. Now that's powerful! Good for you Daniel, whoever you are! Keep on keepin' on!

At 2:30 today I have a meeting with my commercial agent. I'll also be meeting the head of the agency. Her name is Bonnie and she also represents talent for Film and TV. She's a great agent but til now wouldn't meet with me because I didn't have "strong enough credits." This is the opportunity I've been waiting for for the past almost 3 years now. Its taken me 3 years to merely meet the head of an agency with which I'm already signed... that's LA for ya. This meeting may be as insignificant as a poke of a head around a corner to say hello, or this woman could be inexplicably wowed by my very presence and demand to represent me on the spot... Perhaps it will fall somewhere in the middle. Fall where it may, it's a step in the right direction. Wish me luck!

I'm endorsing a "product of the day" from now on. I'm just as bad as your favorite TV show now :). Since I feel a little guilty for unloading on you all yesterday, here's a little something that might make you all feel better. Heehee.

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